I have intimate knowledge of your mother! — very commonly used, it is so often said that it can mean, depending on the context, anything between “how do you do?” (rarely) and “go to hell” (a tad more often), mostly it is used to denote surprise and disbelief. ёб is an obsolete form of the past tense, correct conjugation of the verb ебать in the past tense is ебал, ебала, etc..
Да? Да? А кто вчера за тебя двадцать рублей дал? А вот хуй те в рот, чтоб голова не болталась! Так что давай, на хуй, твоя очередь. Москвич хуев. Вот такие, как ты, Москву и придумали. Как пить, так еб твою мать, а как деньги, так хуй!
Yeah? Yeah? And who gave twenty roubles for you yesterday? Well, suck my dick, it will give your head something to hold on! So go on, fuck, it’s your turn. Fucking Muscovite. It’s people like you that thought up Moscow. When there’s something to drink, fuck yes, when it’s about money, bugger all!
(Михаил Веллер, Vox populi)